Blog Post

6 Signs You're Done With the Home Office

  • By Admin
  • 11 Jul, 2018
Man In His Home Office

Do you feel as though you're running out of work space? Every business eventually approaches the point where a home office just doesn't cut it anymore. It may be time to get your own commercial or retail space, especially if you're finding yourself lacking square footage. Here are some signs that it's time to go commercial.

1. You Are Constantly Interrupted

One of the worst aspects about working from home is that you're often interrupted. Your spouse, children, family members, and roommates may be constantly interrupting your work. They may not even think about it when it happens — it's easy to assume that you aren't busy because you're at home.

You may even be interrupting and distracting yourself. If you have a television or other entertainment options close to your office, you may be tempted to procrastinate and get less work done.

2. You Can't Find Any More Storage

Businesses can outgrow their offices. If you can't find any more storage for your items and your materials, it may be time for you to get a commercial office. Renting storage space outside of your house could be nearly as expensive as renting a small office, with less benefit.

Better storage within your office space will make your business more productive and will also open up space for product inventory if you need it. You will also be able to expand your business and could even make space for equipment.

3. You Need More Parking and Space for Clients

Are your clients starting to meet you at your home? If so, you may need to get more parking and a more professional space. Clients are often going to judge you based on where you work. If you have a professional office, they may assume that you're better at providing your products and services. Parking can also be an issue in a residential zone.

4. You Need to Hire Employees

If your business is expanding to encompass employees, it's very likely that you're going to need to move out of your home and into a professional space. Not only will it be much easier to complete your professional business processes in this new space, but your employees will have more space and comfort. It can be very difficult for employees to work out of a home, especially if you have multiple and/or full-time employees.

5. You Are Running Into Zoning Issues

Are your neighbors starting to complain about your clients coming in and out of the area? Are you running into issues with your post office? These are problems with zoning.

If you're zoned in a residential area, running a small home office is fine. Running an entire business out of your house, however, is not going to be. Before you start running up against fees and penalties, it may be better to move into a commercial space.

You can also argue to change your property's zoning, but this is a difficult process. It's very challenging to try to zone a residential area to be a mixed-use area, especially since there are likely mixed-use areas relatively close by.

6. You Need Better Utilities

Is your internet service not fast enough? Are your phone systems not reliable? Commercial utilities tend to be faster and more reliable than residential utilities. If you find that your service is often interrupted, you may need a better service.

If you're ready to move out of your home office, it's time to contact a real estate agent. A commercial real estate agent will be able to give you more information regarding what's available in your area. Contact Missouth Properties to get started.

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